What does a typical Sunday morning look like?
Our service officially begins at 10:30 am, but we love to fellowship before the service begins with all who arrive early. First, one of our elders calls us to worship through prayer and the reading of Scripture, usually a Psalm. Then, we join together in song until about 11:00 am. After praising our sovereign God with our voices, one of our elders preaches an expository sermon for about forty-five minutes. In response to the message, we join in corporate prayer, and share the Lord’s supper, ending with a closing song of praise. The formal portion of our day is usually completed around noon. Every-other-week, we then rearrange the chairs and setup tables for a potluck fellowship meal and enjoy fellowship with one another over lunch. We always have plenty of food, so visitors are always welcome!
What should I wear?
There is no special way you need to dress for worship. Each family differs in their style and standard, but as a body, we do believe in dressing in a manner that would be pleasing to our Lord Jesus Christ. Exactly how that is lived out in each home is up to each family with the common goal of not causing our brother or sister to stumble.
What is your music like?
Our music is a blend of Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. We strive to sing songs which are biblically sound and doctrinally rich. We are blessed with many fine musicians who play many different instruments, including guitar, violin, piano, mandolin, cello, cajón, and more. Below is our Spotify playlist, where you may listen to the type of songs we sing.
What are your sermons like?
We are committed to the systematic exposition of God’s Word. We start with a book or a large segment of the Bible and work our way through verse-by-verse. The elders share teaching responsibilities at PCC.
What version of the Bible do you use?
We use conservative, literal translations such as the English Standard, New American Standard, King James, New King James, or Geneva Versions.
How often do you partake of the Lord’s Supper, and who can participate?
We partake of the Lord’s Supper every week at PCC after the sermon. As a memorial by which we receive God’s grace and enjoy the presence of our Savior, there is a great benefit to partaking of the bread and the cup of the Lord’s Supper often. All believers who have examined themselves are encouraged to participate with us every week as we remember what Jesus did for us in His death and resurrection.
How often do you have fellowship meals, and what do they look like?
The fellowship meal, or love feast, is a wonderful way to build up our relationships as brothers and sisters in the Lord. On the first-and-third Sundays of the month, we enjoy a meal together immediately after the service. Children play, the sermon is discussed, encouragement is given, and relationships are built. Visitors are welcome to stay and eat with us, as we always have extra food.
Do you have children’s church?
No. We all worship together on Sunday mornings at PCC. We believe that age-integrated worship brings positive growth to the family and the church. In today’s culture, it is common for family members to be separated from one another much of the week. Whether at school, work, or other activities, today’s families seem to be together less and less. We believe that church is a place for bringing families together.
Do you have children’s facilities?
Yes! We enjoy having our children with us on Sunday mornings during the service, but we know that moms and dads need a place to tend to their children. We have two rooms set aside for the care of the younger children. One room is for moms only, so that mothers may nurse in privacy or so sleeping babies can rest. The other room is for moms, dads, older siblings, etc. to tend to diaper changes, comfort a crying child, rock a baby, or take a child for a quick break. These rooms are equipped with speakers, so you can enjoy the sermon while tending to your little ones.
Does PCC take an offering?
We do not pass plates at PCC, but instead have an offering box on the table by the entrance into which families can place their donations.
Does PCC practice church membership?
Yes! Church membership is expected of every believer, as this allows you to be accountable to a church body, and this allows our pastors to be accountable to God to take care of you. If you would like to join PCC as a member, please make that desire known to one of our elders. Our pastors would love to take you under their care.
Do you subscribe to a certain confession of faith?
Yes! We subscribe to the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith. While we do not hold this or any other confessional documents to be equal in authority to the Holy Scriptures, we do regard the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith as a reasonable expression of our beliefs and edifying assists for studying God’s Word, settling matters of controversy, and giving ready reasons for the hope that is within us as Christians.
Are you part of a denomination?
No. While we subscribe to a Baptist confession of faith and are theologically Baptists, we do not belong to any denomination. We are only under the authority of Jesus Christ, and not any person, group, or body outside of our church.